Conner, W. H., T. W. Doyle, and K. W. Krauss, Eds., 2007: Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern United States. The family-bound harvesting techniques are equally as important and make up part of the deeply held tribal lifeways >(Ch. Osland, M. J., R. H. Day, C. T. Hall, M. D. Brumfield, J. L. Dugas, and W. R. Jones, 2017: Mangrove expansion and contraction at a poleward range limit: Climate extremes and land-ocean temperature gradients. Climate model simulations of future conditions project increases in both temperature and extreme precipitation. The Gulf Coastal Plains prosper Privacy Policy Morss, R. E., O. V. Wilhelmi, G. A. Meehl, and L. Dilling, 2011: Improving societal outcomes of extreme weather in a changing climate: An integrated perspective. Nature-Based Solutions to the Water Crisis | BCG van der Wiel, K., S. B. Kapnick, G. J. van Oldenborgh, K. Whan, S. Philip, G. A. Vecchi, R. K. Singh, J. Arrighi, and H. Cullen, 2017: Rapid attribution of theAugust 2016 flood-inducing extreme precipitation in south Louisiana to climate change. From October 15, 2015, deep tropical moisture combined with a slow-moving (stalled) upper-level low pressure system to pump moisture into South Carolinas coastal and interior regions. WUCA Strategic Planning Committee, 2016: Water Utility Climate Alliance 20172021 Strategic Plan. Natural systems in the region will have to become resistant and resilient to both too little water and too much water. Notaro, M., M. Schummer, Y. Zhong, S. Vavrus, L. Van Den Elsen, J. Coluccy, and C. Hoving, 2016: Projected influences of changes in weather severity on autumn-winter distributions of dabbling ducks in the Mississippi and Atlantic flyways during the twenty-first century. Federal Transit Administration, Washington, DC, 49 pp. The size of a business operation and the markets it can sell to impact its effectiveness and efficiency. In the Southeast region, changing fire regimes (defined by factors including frequency, intensity, size, pattern, season, and severity) are expected to have a large impact on natural systems. Parris, A., P. Bromirski, V. Burkett, D. Cayan, M. Culver, J. The Southeast includes vast expanses of coastal and inland low-lying areas, the southern (and highest) portion of the Appalachian Mountains, numerous high-growth metropolitan areas, and large rural expanses. Southeastern cities may be more vulnerable than cities in other regions of the United States due to the climate being more conducive to some vector-borne diseases, the presence of multiple large coastal cities at low elevation that are vulnerable to flooding and storms, and a rapidly growing urban and coastal population.22,295,296, Many city and county governments, utilities, and other government and service organizations have already begun to plan and prepare for the impacts of climate change (e.g., Gregg et al. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Coastal Fisheries Division, Austin, TX, 20 pp. Avery, D.R. If you place a premium on safety and performance, CPT is the National Hurricane Center, 111 pp. More frequent extreme heat episodes and changing seasonal climates are projected to increase exposure-linked health impacts and economic vulnerabilities in the agricultural, timber, and manufacturing sectors (very likely, high confidence). Lovett, H. B., S. B. Snider, K. K. Gore, and R. C. Muoz, Eds., 2016: Luce, C. H., J. M. Vose, N. Pederson, J. Campbell, C. Millar, P. Kormos, and R. Woods, 2016: Contributing factors for drought in United States forest ecosystems under projected future climates and their uncertainty. Global Change Research Program 1800 G Street, NW, Suite 9100, Washington, DC 20006 USA Tel: +1 202.223.6262 | Fax: +1 202.223.3065, Contact Us These factors restrict the potential to strongly associate declines in agricultural and forest productivity with the level of potential economic impact. Gregg, R. M., W. A. Reynier, A. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. However, for average daily maximum temperature, the summers of the 1930s and 1950s and the falls of the 1930s were warmer on average. These climatic drivers play critical roles and greatly influence the distribution, structure, and functioning of ecosystems; hence, changes in these climatic drivers will transform ecosystems in the region and greatly alter the distribution and abundance of species. Climate model simulations of future conditions project increases in temperature and extreme precipitation for both lower and higher scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5; see Figure 19.5).13,19 After the middle of the 21st century, however, the projected increases are lower for the lower scenario (RCP4.5). Cangialosi, J. P., A. S. Latto, and R. Berg, 2018: Tropical Cyclone Report: Hurricane Irma (AL112017), 30 August-12 September 2017. Mount Pleasant, located on South Carolinas coast, received 26.88 inches of rain, which is an extremely rare event. Warming ocean temperatures due to climate change are expected to have a large effect on marine and coastal ecosystems.234,235,236 Many species are sensitive to small changes in ocean temperature; hence, the distribution and abundance of marine organisms are expected to be greatly altered by increasing ocean temperatures. U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology, St. Petersburg, FL, various pp. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Asheville, NC. Although it is possible to make general predictions of climate change effects, specific future ecological transformations can be difficult to predict, especially given the number of interacting and changing biotic and abiotic factors in any specific location. Krakauer, N. Y., 2012: Estimating climate trends: Application to United States plant hardiness zones. Swanteson-Franz, R. J., D. J. Krofcheck, and M. D. Hurteau, 2018: Quantifying forest carbon dynamics as a function of tree species composition and management under projected climate. Streamline your color process with standard or custom colors delivered with quick turnaround. Mitsch, W. J., and J. G. Gosselink, 2007: Wetlands. Implementation of these strategies has already resulted in a reduction in water consumption in the city of Atlanta, relieving strain on the water utility and increasing resilience.50. Four counties in Southeast Florida formed a climate compact in 2010 to address climate change impacts, including sea level rise and high tide flooding.91 Recently updated in 2017, their climate action plan was one of the first intergovernmental collaborations to address climate change, adaptation, and mitigation in the country. Boucek, R. E., and J. S. Rehage, 2014: Climate extremes drive changes in functional community structure. Capital consists of the monetary resources available to invest in a business or to purchase goods. Bernatchez, A., and L. Lapointe, 2012: Cooler temperatures favour growth of wild leek (Allium tricoccum), a deciduous forest spring ephemeral. This is a large industry because the trees tend to grow faster in the Coastal Plains, and the wood is more textured. By the end of the century under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), projections indicate approximately double the number of heavy rainfall events (2-day precipitation events with a 5-year return period) and a 21% increase in the amount of rain falling on the heaviest precipitation days (days with a 20-year return period).19,81 These projected increases would directly affect the vulnerability of the Southeasts coastal and low-lying areas. Sweet, W. V., and J. J. Marra, 2016: 2015 State of U.S. Nuisance Tidal Flooding. Abkowitz, M., J. doi: Doyle, T. W., G. F. Girod, and M. A. There is high confidence that climate change (e.g., changing winter temperatures extremes, changing fire regimes, rising sea levels and hurricanes, warming ocean temperatures, and more extreme rainfall and drought) will very likely affect natural systems in the Southeast region. Exposure to high nighttime minimum temperatures reduces the ability of some people to recover from high daytime temperatures, resulting in heat-related illness and death.26 This effect is particularly pronounced in cities, many of which have urban heat islands that already cause elevated nighttime temperatures.27 Cities are taking steps to prevent negative health impacts from heat. Drought Indexes. B. Claydon, T. L. Metz, A. L. Gordon, A. M. Landry, D. J. Shaver, J. Blumenthal, L. Collyer, B. J. Godley, A. McGowan, M. J. Witt, C. L. Campbell, C. J. Lagueux, T. L. Bethel, and L. Kenyon, 2017: Ecological regime shift drives declining growth rates of sea turtles throughout the West Atlantic. WebThese three counties are located in the Atlantic Coastal Plain and are easy places to reach by water. NOAA National Weather Service (NWS), Silver Spring, MD, various pp. 12: Transportation, KM 1). 4 North Carolina Broadband Infrastructure Office. These risks vary in type and magnitude from place to place, and while some climate change impacts, such as sea level rise and extreme downpours, are being acutely felt now, others, like increasing exposure to dangerously high temperaturesoften accompanied by high humidityand new local diseases, are expected to become more significant in the coming decades. Upper Coastal Plain Coastal Plain's industry is mainly agriculture. Doney, S. C., M. Ruckelshaus, J. E. Duffy, J. P. Barry, F. Chan, C. A. English, H. M. Galindo, J. M. Grebmeier, A. Sweet, W. V., R. Horton, R. E. Kopp, A. N. LeGrande, and A. Romanou, 2017: Sea Level Rise. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005: Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Synthesis. Rural communities do not develop in a vacuum. Reef, R., and C. E. Lovelock, 2015: Regulation of water balance in mangroves. While 2017 tied the previous record year of 2011 for the total number of billion-dollar weather and climate disasters16the year broke the all-time previous record high costs by reaching $306.2 billion in damages (in 2017 dollars; $297 billion in 2015 dollars). Sweet, W. V., R. E. Kopp, C. P. Weaver, J. Obeysekera, R. M. Horton, E. R. Thieler, and C. Zervas, 2017: Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States. Jackson, S. T., and J. T. Overpeck, 2000: Responses of plant populations and communities to environmental changes of the late Quaternary. In Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. However, these models do not account for adaptations that may reduce estimated losses.35,64 By the end of the century, mean annual electricity costs are estimated at $3.3 billion each year under RCP8.5 (model range: $2.4 to $4.2 billion; in 2015 dollars, undiscounted) and mean $1.2 billion each year under RCP4.5 (model range $0.9 to $1.9 billion; in 2015 dollars, undiscounted).35, Rural communities tend to be vulnerable due to factors such as demography, occupations, earnings, literacy, and poverty incidence.8,9,10,250,283,284,305 Reducing the stress created by such factors can improve resilience.9,284 The availability and accessibility of planning and health services to support coping with climate-related stresses are limited in the rural Southeast.288,289. The most Recent changes in seasonal temperatures that are critical for plant development will continue to impact regionally important crops. Infrastructure related to drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment may be compromised by climate-related events (Ch. Emrich, C. T., D. P. Morath, G. C. Bowser, and R. Reeves, 2014: Climate-sensitive hazards in Florida: Identifying and prioritizing threats to build resilience against climate effects. The combined effects of rising numbers of high tide flooding and extreme rainfall events, along with deteriorating storm water infrastructure, are increasing the frequency and magnitude of coastal and lowland flood events.45,88,89,90, The recent increases in flood risk have led many cities and counties to take adaptive actions to reduce these effects. 13: Air Quality, KM 1). Prestemon, J. P., U. Shankar, A. Xiu, K. Talgo, D. Yang, E. Dixon, D. McKenzie, and K. L. Abt, 2016: Projecting wildfire area burned in the south-eastern United States, 201160. Copyright & Legal Disclaimer, Web Design & Development by Upward Brand Interactions. Gutierrez, K., and C. LePrevost, 2016: Climate justice in rural southeastern United States: A review of climate change impacts and effects on human health. Winter air temperature extremes (for example, freezing and chilling events) constrain the northern limit of many tropical and subtropical species.30,48,127,132,135,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,148,149,150,152,166,167,168,169,170,172,173,174,175,176,177,178 In the future, warmer winter temperatures are expected to facilitate the northward movement of cold-sensitive species, often at the expense of cold-tolerant species.132,135,142,145,149,150,152,166,169,173,179 Certain ecosystems are located near thresholds where small changes in winter air temperature regimes can trigger comparatively large and abrupt landscape-scale ecological changes (i.e., ecological regime shifts).135,145,152, Changing fire regimes are expected to have a large impact on natural systems. Ecosystems in the Southeast span the transition zone between tropical and temperate climates. Infrastructure related to drinking water and wastewater treatment also has the potential to be compromised by climate-related events. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 149. The scope and scale of adaptation efforts, which are already underway, will affect future vulnerability and risk. You are leaving The Fourth National Climate Assessment and will be redirected to a new site in 5 seconds. NOAA NCEI, 2018: Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters [web page]. Peachesan important crop in the Southeastrequire an adequate period of cool temperatures, called the chill period, to produce yields that are economically viable. Tampa Bay Water, the largest wholesale water utility in the Southeast, is coordinating with groups including the Florida Water and Climate Alliance to study the impact of climate change on its ability to provide clean water in the future.46,47 Spartanburg Water, in South Carolina, is reinforcing the ability of the utility to cope with, and recover from disruption, trends and variability in order to maintain services.48 Similarly, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which provides drinking and wastewater services, assessed flooding and sea level rise threats to their water infrastructure and developed potential adaptation measures.49 The development of green water infrastructure (using natural hydrologic features to manage water and provide environmental and community benefits), such as the strategies promoted in the City of Atlanta Climate Action Plan, is one way to adapt to future water management needs. Seminole Tribe of Florida. Urban Climate Change Research Network, Columbia University, New York. Flooding events are highly variable in both space and time. Winter temperature extremes, fire regimes, sea levels, hurricanes, rainfall extremes, drought extremes, and warming ocean temperatures greatly influence the distribution, abundance, and performance of species and ecosystems. Wells typically yield 5-35 gallons per minute. A high tide of 2.38 feet above Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) occurred in the afternoon of October 3. A far distance to markets, low population density, and an abundance of natural resources are distinguishing features of rural places. Ecological diversity in the Southeast is high,113,114,115,116,117 and southeastern ecosystems and landscapes provide many benefits to society. The Atlantic Plain of the United States includes portions of the coastal states of Delaware, Chavez-Ramirez, F., and W. Wehtje, 2012: Potential impact of climate change scenarios on whooping crane life history. Noss, R. F., 2012: Forgotten Grasslands of the South: Natural History and Conservation. Downsides of this population gain include higher costs of living driven by increased demand for housing and greater traffic congestion. Median Household Income of Non-Metro Coastal Counties, 2012-2016. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, 312 pp. Grace, C. L. Stagg, R. H. Day, S. B. Hartley, N. M. Enwright, A. S. From, M. L. McCoy, and J. L. McLeod, 2017: Macroclimatic change expected to transform coastal wetland ecosystems this century. The heavy rainfall was noted even in Alabama, at 5 inches, and near 6 inches in the mountains of western North Carolina.100 Twenty-five tornadoes were confirmed from Hurricane Irma, and many of them occurred along the east coast of central and northern Florida.100 Even as Irma headed north, continuing to lose force, there were still 6.7 million people without electricity.109, According to NCEI,84 the U.S. direct cost from Hurricane Irma is approximately $50 billion (in 2017 dollars), and the non-U.S. territory Caribbean Islands could add another $10$15 billion to that total. Parker, L. E., and J. T. Abatzoglou, 2016: Projected changes in cold hardiness zones and suitable overwinter ranges of perennial crops over the United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Flood Insurance Program, . Many southeastern cities are particularly vulnerable to climate change compared to cities in other regions, with expected impacts to infrastructure and human health. View the list of North Carolina counties. The Southeast contains many of the fastest-growing urban areas in the country, including a dozen of the top 20 fastest-growing metropolitan areas (by percentage) in 2016.22 Metropolitan Atlanta has been swiftly growing, adding 69,200 residents in just one year.23 At the same time, many rural counties in the South are losing population.24 These trends towards a more urbanized and dense Southeast are expected to continue, creating new climate vulnerabilities but also opportunities to adapt as capacity and resources increase in cities (Ch. The combined impacts of sea level rise and storm surge in the Southeast have the potential to cost up to $60 billion each year in 2050 and up to $99 billion in 2090 under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).35 Even under a lower scenario (RCP4.5), projected damages are $56 and $79 billion in 2050 and 2090, respectively (in 2015 dollars, undiscounted).35 Florida alone is estimated to have a 1-in-20 chance of having more than $346 billion (in 2011 dollars) in property value (8.7%) below average sea level by 2100 under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).64 An assessment by the Florida Department of Health determined that 590,000 people in South Florida face extreme or high risk from sea level rise, with 125,000 people living in these areas identified as socially vulnerable and 55,000 classified as medically vulnerable.65 In addition to causing direct injury, storm surge and related flooding can impact transportation infrastructure by blocking or flooding roads and affecting access to healthcare facilities (Ch. 9: Oceans, KM 2).35,252 While adaptation and resilience can moderate climate change impacts, rural areas generally face other stressors, such as poverty and limited access to healthcare, which will make coping to these climate-related challenges more difficult. Day, R. Boumans, and K. Bagstad, 2010: Gaining Ground: Wetlands, Hurricanes and the Economy: The Value of Restoring the Mississippi River Delta. The main crosstown traffic artery in Charleston, South Carolina (U.S. 17 Septima Clark Parkwaycrosstown), has historically been susceptible to flooding events (Figure 19.9). Policy Report 2. A study of hazard management plans (20042008) in 84 selected rural southeastern counties found these plans scored low across various criteria.288 The rural, geographically remote locations contributed to more difficult logistics in reaching people. Partridge, T. F., J. M. Winter, E. C. Osterberg, D. W. Hyndman, A. D. Kendall, and F. J. Magilligan, 2018: Spatially distinct seasonal patterns and forcings of the U.S. warming hole. Vergs, A., P. D. Steinberg, M. E. Hay, A. G. B. Poore, A. H. Campbell, E. Ballesteros, K. L. Heck, D. J. Booth, M. A. Coleman, D. A. Feary, W. Figueira, T. Langlois, E. M. Marzinelli, T. Mizerek, P. J. Mumby, Y. Nakamura, M. Roughan, E. van Sebille, A. S. Gupta, D. A. Smale, F. Tomas, T. Wernberg, and S. K. Wilson, 2014: The tropicalization of temperate marine ecosystems: Climate-mediated changes in herbivory and community phase shifts. Maycock, and B.C. WebProducts of the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) region: Seafood: Valley and Ridge's industry: Farming: Appalachian Plateau's major industry: Coal mining: Blue Ridge region's Drought and extreme heat can result in tree mortality and transform southeastern forested ecosystems.217,218,219,220,221,222,223 Drought can also affect aquatic and wetland ecosystems.224,225,226,227,228,229,232 Extreme rainfall events are also expected to become more frequent and severe in the future. 1997. NWS, 2016: The Historic South Carolina Floods of October 15, 2015. The prolonged inundation and lack of oxygen that results from extreme rainfall can also result in mortality, such as the dieback of critical foundation plant species, and other large impacts to natural systems.233 In combination, future increases in the frequency and severity of both extreme drought and extreme rainfall are expected to transform many ecosystems in the Southeast region. Other examples include Miami Beach, Florida, which has a multiyear, $500-million program to raise public roads and seawalls and improve storm water drainage.92 Norfolk, Virginia, has begun comprehensive planning to fix its high tide flooding issues.93 Biloxi, Mississippi, has put in place several adaptation strategies to lessen the future impacts, including enacting a new building code that requires elevating structures an additional one foot above the base flood elevation.94 Tybee Island, Georgia, has developed a sea level rise adaptation plan with recommendations to flood-proof a 5.5-mile stretch of their sole access causeway, replace two vulnerable bridges, and retrofit their existing storm water infrastructure to improve drainage.95 In response to the 2016 flooding, eight parishes in the Acadiana region of Louisiana came together to collaborate at a watershed level, pooling their federal hazard mitigation grant funding to support projects across the Teche-Vermilion watershed. Although the agricultural output has been on the The award provides the Tribe with a historic opportunity to reunite a community.79 While the application to relocate was initiated by the Tribe, the relocation funds now are for all residents of Isle de Jean Charles, according to the Louisiana State Office of Community Development.75. USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS), Washington, DC, accessed March 14. Increasing precipitation and extreme weather events will likely impact roads, freight rail, and passenger rail, which will likely have cascading effects across the region. Florida Department of Health, Tallahassee, FL, various pp. Carter, L. M., J. W. Jones, L. Berry, V. Burkett, J. F. Murley, J. Obeysekera, P. J. Schramm, and D. Wear, 2014: Ch. SFRCCC, 2017: Regional Climate Action Plan 2.0 [web tool]. Detection and attribution of flood events are difficult due to multiple variables that cause flooding. By the late 21st century under the higher scenario (RCP8.5), the freeze-free season is expected to lengthen by more than a month. Lafayette, LA. A state of emergency was declared in four states from Florida north to Virginia and in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and, for the first time ever, Atlanta was placed under a tropical storm warning.105,106,107,108 In Florida, a record 6.8 million people were ordered to evacuate, as were 540,000 coastal residents in Georgia and untold numbers in other coastal locations.102,109,110 Nearly 192,000 evacuees were housed in approximately 700 emergency shelters in Florida alone.109 According to NOAAs National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI),84 Irma significantly damaged 65% of the buildings in the Keys and destroyed 25% of them. The combined effects of changing extreme rainfall events and sea level rise are already increasing flood frequencies, which impacts property values and infrastructure viability, particularly in coastal cities. Wells, E. C. Kansa, S. W. Kansa, K. N. Myers, R. C. DeMuth, and D. A. EcoAdapt, Bainbridge Island, WA, 214 pp. City of Atlanta, 2015: Climate Action Plan. Study now. Drummond, M. A., and T. R. Loveland, 2010: Land-use pressure and a transition to forest-cover loss in the eastern United States. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana, Baton Rouge, LA, 171 pp. Increased access to high-quality education and workforce development programs can strengthen the labor force. Kinniburgh, F., M. G. Simonton, and C. Allouch, 2015: Come heat and high water: Climate risk in the Southeastern U.S. and Texas. Infrastructure, particularly roads, bridges, coastal properties, and urban drainage, is vulnerable to climate change and climate-related events (see Key Message 2) (see also Ch. Hall, R. Horton, K. Knuuti, R. Moss, J. Obeysekera, A. Sallenger, and J. Weiss, 2012: Global Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States National Climate Assessment. U.S. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DC, 271 pp. 7: Ecosystems, Figure 7.4).179 Some problematic invasive species are expected to be favored by changing winters. FTA Report No. As building and rebuilding in flood-prone areas continue, the risks of the kinds of major losses seen in these events will continue to grow. Under the higher scenario, nighttime minimum temperatures above 75F and daytime maximum temperatures above 95F become the summer norm and nights above 80F and days above 100F, now relatively rare occurrences, become commonplace. Mitchum, G. T., 2011: Sea Level Changes in the Southeastern United States: Past, Present and Future. The Southeasts coastal plain and inland low-lying regions support a rapidly growing population, a tourism economy, critical industries, and important cultural resources that are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts (very likely, very high confidence). Smith, T. J., III, M. B. Robblee, H. R. Wanless, and T. W. Doyle, 1994: Mangroves, hurricanes, and lightning strikes: Assessment of Hurricane Andrew suggests an interaction across two differing scales of disturbance. The U.S. East Coast, for example, already has 7,508 miles of roadways, including over 400 miles of interstate roadways, currently threatened by high tide coastal flooding (Ch. Latino migration to the rural coastal region increased significantly between 2000 and 2010, resulting in a doubling, on average, of the Latino population. Leopold, S., 2017: Ramps now on the to-watch list: Time to ramp up conservation efforts. 2 Goetz, Stephan J., Partridge, Mark D., and Heather M. Stephens. Demuzere, M., K. Orru, O. Heidrich, E. Olazabal, D. Geneletti, H. Orru, A. G. Bhave, N. Mittal, E. Feliu, and M. Faehnle, 2014: Mitigating and adapting to climate change: Multi-functional and multi-scale assessment of green urban infrastructure. Sources/Usage: Public Domain. While all regional residents and communities are potentially at risk for some impacts, some communities or populations are at greater risk due to their locations, services available to them, and economic situations. Where climatic thresholds are crossed, certain ecosystem and landscapes will be transformed by changing winter air temperatures. Financial capital will follow where labor and land quality are high. Aquifer Characteristics Amekudzi, A., M. Crane, D. Springstead, D. Rose, and T. Batac, 2013: Transit climate change adaptation assessment for the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. Census Bureau, 2017: County Population Totals and Components of Change: 2010-2016. However, the impacts to coral reef ecosystems in the region have been and are expected to be particularly dire. This increase in flood frequency suggests the need to considerrevising flood study techniques and standards that are currently used to design and build coastal infrastructure. Most of the rural population does not depend on natural resources for their livelihoods. The storm tracked up the west coast of Florida, impacting both coasts of the Florida peninsula with 35 feet of inundation from Cape Canaveral north to the FloridaGeorgia border and even further, impacting coastal areas of Georgia and South Carolina with high tides and storm surge that reached 35 feet.
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