Yang, Y., Hawkins, T. & Ingwersen, W. USEEIO satellite files. This bundle contains all of the available Global Emission Factors including: Global Electricity Factors, Global Homeworker Factors and Global Hotel Factors at a 10% discount. A rough estimate will suffice, but if that is not possible, then proceed to step 2 to estimate emissions. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) https://doi.org/10.23719/1526372 (2017). The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. CESER@epa.gov, Amendment 1 to Supply Chain Factors Description, SUPPLY CHAIN GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION FACTORS FOR US INDUSTRIES AND COMMODITIES-.PDF, Appendix 3 - Industry and Commodity Reference Lists, Appendix 4 - Distribution, Wholesale and Retail Margins for Industries and Commodities, Appendix 5 - National Level Gross Output and Direct Emission Trends, Appendix 6 - Annual Change in Supply Chain Emission Factors, Appendix 7 - Contribution Analysis for Supply Chain Emissions, Appendix 8 - Comparing Summary and Detail Level Direct and Supply Chain Emission Factors, Appendix 9 - Comparing Commodity-based and Industry-based Supply Chain Emission Factors at the Detail Level. Although these emissions are not under the organizations control, the organization may be able to affect the activities that result in the emissions. Report No. Pairing the domestic proportion with the ranking figure (Fig. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) https://doi.org/10.23719/1524318 (2021). B.Y. Water use for crops originally used acreage data for 37 crops accessed through the USDA Irrigation and Water Management Survey (IWMS)49. WRI's Sustainability Initiative was created to align the Institute's operations with its mission. In addition, because scope 3 sources may represent most of an organizations GHG emissions, they often offer emissions reduction opportunities. Depending on the source, scope 3 emissions can be quantified using either primary data specific to the activity within a company's value chain or secondary data such as industry averages, proxy data, or other generic data. More organizations are reaching into their value chains to understand the full GHG impact of their operations. Domestic and rest of the world (RoW) impacts can be split out in the model calculations. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) https://doi.org/10.23719/1365565 (2017). While the codes and definitions of commodity categories are not changed from those provided by BEA in v2.0 (except for disaggregated sectors), original names are assigned to the commodity categories to replace the names used in the BEA IO tables. A model configuration file was first created to define all the model input data and characteristics. The new commodity names assigned to the BEA codes are part of the primary data record, in the commodities_meta sheet. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) https://doi.org/10.23719/1524311 (2021). Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities. This methodology modification follows work by Zeng and Ramaswami and is meant to avoid double counting forest land use with grazing land37. The result is available in the National Criteria and Hazardous Air Pollutant Totals By Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset32. However, annual tables are also published at a more aggregated level of detail and with less reported data but with only a ~12 year time lag to help address the time lag limitations12. https://www.bls.gov/opub/hom/ (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020). The diagonal-only production assumption is a good first approximation that allows the production impacts from a specific type of waste management service to be assigned to a single sector. 6, where from currency year z to y is the ratio of the industry gross output chain price index, pi, for year y to that of year z. Equations5, 6 are used for each industry and unique year of environmental data in the given model. This model was based on the 2007 input-output data with 385 commodities and mixed-year environmental data with the latest representing 2013. v1.1 added additional satellite tables and made methodological updates to some existing tables5,6. The operator is used for elementwise multiplication in contrast with no symbol between adjacent matrices or vectors which denotes a matrix multiplication. Young, B., Birney, C., Chiquelin, C. & Ingwersen, W. National criteria and hazardous air pollutant totals by industry 2017 v1.1. Two matrices are provided that enable price adjustments in the model coefficient matrices (B, D, M, or N). Report No. 11:25-11:30. Truck transportation (484000): the entirety of the 562000 commodity produced by this sector is assigned to the Solid waste collection (562111) column, as it is assumed that the truck transportation service is used in waste collection. Novel methodological elements since USEEIO v1 models include waste sector disaggregation, final demand vectors for US consumption and production, a domestic form of the model that can be used to separate domestic and foreign impacts, and price adjustment matrices for converting outputs to purchaser price and in various US dollar years. US Enviro nmental Protection Agency, Office . When making these improvements, it is recommended to focus first on categories with the largest impact on the organizations total GHG inventory. Report No. 95% for Fresh soybeans, canola, flaxseeds, and other oilseeds and Fresh wheat, corn, rice, and other grains). Real time updates can be found in the useeior software repository. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. 13). Community Sustainability and Prosperity in Georgiaand Beyond developed the methodology and software programming in flowsa for the air, water and soil releases, integrated environmental data and indicators in useeior, and wrote the associated sections of the manuscript. For the Scrap (S00401) commodity, the entirety of the production value is assigned to the Material separation/recovery facilities (562920) industry, under the assumption that these facilities are the ones responsible for recovering scrap during waste management. How to select the correct project type and why it is important led on the disaggregation methodology and associated software development in useeior, and wrote the associated section in the manuscript. & Birney, C. USEEIO v2.0.1-411 Build and Validation Script. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 2012 Detail IO tables10 define 405 commodity categories. In v2.0, water for mining sectors is first attributed to 6-digit NAICS using employment data before mapped to BEA industry codes. A comprehensive BEA-to-NAICS sector mapping table is built with these complementary pieces to the main correspondence. This dataset has national level GHG emissions for 53 economic sectors in the US, for the year 2017. IPCC Emissions Factor Database | GHG Protocol An environmentally extended global multi-regional input - Springer For instance, BEA code 1111A0 oilseed farming only connects to NAICS 5-digit codes 11111 soybean farming and 11112 oilseed (except soybean) farming in the table, but in fact 11111 and 11112 have single child codes 111110 soybean farming and 111120 oilseed (except soybean) farming, respectively, as well as shared parent codes 1111 oilseed and grain farming, 111 crop production, and 11 agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-20/001, 2020. In some cases, an emissions estimate may be necessary to determine if the category is relevant based on size. Ingwersen, W. & Yang, Y. USEEIO v1.1 - Matrices. FEDEFL Inventory Methods v1.0.0. International Actions - The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. A selected comparable model result matrix (N) and sector rankings derived from full model LCIA calculations are appropriate for this validation and comparison, because they represent measures resulting from the combination of all model components both at the unit scale (impact per USD) and as a result of total US production and consumption. The totals for household, investment, and government consumers in the Use table include consumption of direct imports as positive values. The industries in the E columns match the industries in x. The final model is provided in the National Land Occupation Totals By Industry 2012 v1.1 dataset44. Figure 2 shows an example progression over time of improvement and expansion. For example, releases of nitrogen and phosphorous are sourced from the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from Agriculture satellite table (NPAG) specifically for agricultural sectors, while data for all other sectors are sourced from the Discharge Monitoring Report via the Point source releases to water satellite table (WATREL). The composite score for the rankings are calculated as a sum of fractions of sector impact relative to total impact across all sectors by each selected indicator, and then this fraction for a sector was summed across all indicators. RCRAInfo data are available by 5- and 6-digit NAICS codes, which map to the disaggregated sectors as shown in Table6. Many organizations quantify greenhouse emissions in their value chain. USEEIO v2.0 was built in useeior v1.0.061. On a Procurement Emissions Factor Set Item record, Sam sets the Economic Sector Category code that helps recognize the economic sector and GHG category combination, and the EEIO specified emissions factor that converts the dollars spent into tCOe. Horowitz, K. J. The data includes fresh and saline water withdrawn from surface and ground sources and evaporative water loss to the atmosphere. For states that do not distinguish between irrigation used for crops and golf courses, all irrigation water is attributed to crops. To obtain Technol. EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership, Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard, The Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Financial Industry, Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, Conversion factors 2022: full set (for advanced users), Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidance: Indirect Emissions from Events and Conferences, ENERGY STAR Scope 3 Use of Sold Products Analysis Tool V1.2, Renewable Electricity Procurement on Behalf of Others: A Corporate Reporting Guide, Center for Corporate Climate Leadership Home, GHG Inventory Development Process & Guidance, Corporate GHG Inventorying and Target Setting Self-Assessment, Reporting Corporate Climate Risks and Opportunities, 4 (upstream transportation and distribution), 9 (downstream transportation and distribution), 12 (end-of-life treatment of sold products), The UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs provides well-to-tank (i.e., upstream) emission factors for fuel in the ". To assist in quantifying these emissions, we have developed a comprehensive set of supply chain emission factors covering all categories of goods and services in the US economy. These values can be found in the WasteDisaggaregation_Use sheet of the primary data record (in the rows labeled Use column sum). This then must be further transformed into commodity form before use, which is done so by multiplication with the market shares matrix, Vn, which itself is obtained from the model Make table and the model commodity output, q. Users can find a coefficient (per USD) in producers price in 2012 USD by finding the cell at the intersection of the row with the flow (M matrix) or indicator (N matrix) of interest along with the column with the commodity best representing the purchase. The direct impacts of a sector in a given indicator unit per model dollar year, can be calculated with Eq. Water_national_2015_m1 was created primarily using water withdrawal data accessed from the USGS National Water Information System Web Interface45. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Checking that national flow totals by sector used as inputs to the model can be recalculated using appropriate model components serves as the primary means of full model validation. In Water_national_2015_m1, these water withdrawal categories are attributed to sectors using additional data sources for allocation, when necessary. Due to shifts in the oil and gas industry towards increased natural gas extraction, the 2002 water withdrawal coefficients likely do not reflect 2015 water withdrawals for mining industries. 23. This EPA report describes supply chain GHG emission factors prepared with versions of the USEEIO, which are life cycle models of all categories of goods and services and industries in the US economy. This is a necessary first order approximation since we found no publicly available data to confirm this for the disaggregated waste sectors. This information is used to perform a default allocation of the expenses of the disaggregated waste management sectors along the Use table columns, except for the waste management sectors intersection and the value-added sectors. Emission factors may be quantified in a handful of ways. Matrix algebra is used to represent the steps of creating the USEEIO model, using conventions for variable names commonly used in a mix of standard references for IO analysis16 and LCA17, and the existing USEEIO model documentation. USEEIO Model Overview and EEIO Primer. Ei, a national total of flow by industry per year consisting of the concatenation of all the satellite tables described above, is available in varying years. The Scope 3 Standard presents details on all scope 3 categories and requirements and guidance on reporting scope 3 emissions. Only two categories use a specific method (e.g., supplier-specific method, fuel-based method) in year one and seven in year five. - Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) database can be used estimating carbon emissions based on the amount of money spent. The general equation for emissions estimation is: E = A x EF x (1-ER/100) where: E = emissions; A = activity rate; Net public supply is calculated by subtracting public supply deliveries to domestic to avoid double counting, then assigned to NAICS 221310. This section describes data sources, algorithms for model construction, novel methodologies and software procedures used in the construction of USEEIO v2.0. Waste management and remediation services fell out of the top 20 due to the disaggregation of the waste sectors in v2.0. The environmental data inputs for an EEIO model are national totals of flows (physical movements of specific resources, emissions or employment) by industries.
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eeio emission factors 2023